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“Confessions of an MDS Coordinator” is a series of short episodes that detail the daily happenings of nurse assessment coordinators.  While all of the names have been changed in these episodes, they are based on actual experiences.  “Confessions of an MDS Coordinator” was created with several purposes in mind.


1. MDS nurses and coordinators deserve recognition for their unique skill set and the specific challenges that collectively affect this nursing subspecialty.  These shorts are meant to give representation and a voice to the nurse assessment coordinator's pivotal, albeit often misunderstood and minimized role.


2. To help foster camaraderie within the MDS community by sharing our commonalities.  


3. To add a bit of levity into a role that is often bogged down by the demands of everchanging regulatory compliance, strict timeframes, and various other facility requirements.  Laughter is good for the soul! 


​We’d love to hear about your experiences!  If we use your experience for an episode (we always change names for privacy), we will send you a free mug of your choice from our store.




Stay Tuned for

New Episodes Coming Soon!

Episode 1 - Take the Cart

Episode 2 - Murphy's Law MDS Style

Episode 3 - Did You Update the Care Plan?

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